All Things Snakeskin

all things snake skin, snake print, snake trend, snake accessories

Have y’all seen all these animal prints coming out for fall??! What do you think?? I can’t get enough!

I did a quick roundup of all things snakeskin for you and am posting below! I’ve had a little obsession with snake print shoes, but I don’t discriminate against types of clothing or accessories…

Full disclosure, I’ve been incorporating animal prints into my wardrobe for quite a while. Leopard is a neutral, right?! [PS be sure to check out my favorite leopard finds for the season, here.] Well, so are all things snakeskin. I included a bunch of budget friendly options – some from, and some from Amazon. You can even pick up some locally, as many of these are from Express!

I love incorporating a good snake print shoe, because they go with almost any outfit. These are a few of my faves for the season:

Have you looked into wearing snake print? Too bold? Nah- you can do it! Pair a bold printed skirt with a sleek suede or leather jacket and some solid booties. One thing I’m sure to do, is balance my looks. I don’t breach too far on the wild side – ha! Pardon the pun! – so I’m conscious to pair a bold tunic top, or dress with some solid colored or subdued bottoms, shoes and accessories.

What are some of your favorite fall accessories for the season?? I’d love to hear!

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spotted leopard print trending 2019 trends, cheetah

Oh come on…. Spotted! The Leopard Trend.

You know I love a good pun! 😉 I don’t know about you but my feed has been overflowing with lots and lots of leopard print for the fall, so I wanted to share a few of my affordable faves with you all. Shop the post below by clicking on the item.

I had a discussion with a friend yesterday who told me that she had just bought her FIRST – yes you read that correctly, FIRST pair of leopard shoes – or leopard anything! I was floored, since most of the time I find myself removing a leopard item rather than adding one! haha.

Most of these items I’d pair with a neutral color palette, and could easily be worn to work! I treat leopard like a neutral, though since it can be a bolder print, I tend to tone down the rest of my outfit when I tone up the leopard. Check out my like to know it posts for a visual. But if you’re really adventurous, pair the leopard with a bright or bold statement color to really make a fashion statement!

Many of these pieces are under $30 and so affordable to add to your summer into fall transition wardrobe. I linked a few extra leopard trending items below if you’re looking for some summery items. What are you wearing that’s spotted?!

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Being an “Inbetweenie”

inbetween size, body positivity body confidence self love

During my daily podcast listen, I heard a term that was new to me from the influencer radio.  “Inbetweenie”.  Sarah Tripp, of the blog Sassy Red Lipstick, who tags her niche as a body positive fashion blog, referred to an inbetweenie as a fashion blogger who is an in-between size – greater than a size 4 up to a size 12 — not teeny, not full-figured. And I loved the term so much I’ve officially adopted it.  (Thanks, Sarah 😉 )

There was a day that I realized that I wasn’t like my teeny tiny size 2 and 4 girlfriends in high school, and I had the insight at a young age that I needed to learn to be proud of the body that I was given (and learn how to dress it well ;). I go into way more detail on this in my previous post about being referred to as an Amazon woman.  

I am 100% an inbetweenie. I’m just a hair shy of 5’10”.  My weight generally fluctuates within a 15 pound range, and it’s ok. I’m V-shaped, with narrow hips & broad shoulders.  I like to say i’m mismatched – in that I typically wear a size 6-8 on the bottom and nothing smaller than a 12 on top! (So frustrating when trying to buy bathing suits – And so, separates it is!)  And yes, I am sometimes frustrated when some brands only go up to a size Large – that won’t even fit my body! – but that’s what this growing fashion community is about. 

During that time that I was so ashamed that I was bigger than all my teeny friends (at a ripe old 14), I was horrified to even discuss my weigh or my size. This was a growing pain for me to realize that it didn’t matter what the number on the tag said – it matters how it fits and how you feel in it. I have some size 6 bottoms and some size 14 dresses – ultimately it’s of no importance so long as you feel good in it.

Sure, there are things every person dislikes about their body, but my philosophy is that you should try and change it if you can, or learn to work with what you’re given.  Some days that feeling comes easier than others, but the unfair pressure of trying like you need to fit into a mold that you weren’t made to fit into is ridiculous. 

I have to say, I truly admire Sarah’s ability to be incredibly body positive and hope to emanate that same level of appreciation and understanding that beautiful is applicable at every size.

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Casual Weekend Outfit // Patio Sitting

I met up with my girlfriend last weekend at a local winery, and we had such a great day just enjoying the sunshine! Have you ever seen that shirt or tagline that says something along the lines of “I’m outdoorsy, in the sense that I like sitting on patios”. 100% me, although I do take a hike every now and again 😉 Details for this casual weekend outfit are linked below and available through the site.

Best part about all these pieces is that they’re under $50 each. If you haven’t caught on yet – I’m a bargain shopper through & through. The full outfit was approximately $100!

Casual Weekend Outfit, Affordable Style, Budget Friendly Summer Fashion, Budget friendly summer style
Earring (similar) // Jacket (similar) // Tank // Skirt // Sandals // Watch
Casual Weekend Outfit, Affordable Style, Budget Friendly Summer Fashion, Budget friendly summer style

So tell me, what do you guys like to do on casual weekends once the weather gets warmer? Are you as outdoorsy as me? Or more so? ha!

I’d love to hear what you would add to this casual weekend outfit??!

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