The Only Reason I Workout

Why you should work out with class pass

So I can eat! Guys, I’m going to be totally honest here. I’m not naturally one of those people that enjoys physical activity. Im tall, and long, have horrible spatial awareness, and awful hand-eye coordination… And not to mention that the gym is like, the absolute worst place I can imagine. The monotonous frustration of walking on the treadmill and not going anywhere, or just spinning in place for a half hour is just not. my. thing.

But today, I’m celebrating a big milestone. Today I completed my 100th class with Class Pass! (And whoa, by the way!)  Haven’t heard of Class Pass before? Well, it’s an opportunity to try out private studios in your area at a significantly lower cost than even a 1 month commitment- Upwards of 40-50% savings at times! (Trust me, I did the math *wink*)  Check out locations where the pass is offered- they’re in many of the larger US cities, and have recently expanded internationally. 

Just to reinforce, I know myself, and I’m not going to exercise unless I have someone instructing me on what to do.  I’m just not.  I’ve tried it, and let’s just say I can come up with about any excuse in the book to skip a work out. My husband calls those “MJs” – Marge Justifications.

I NEED that element of accountability. SO, Class Pass has been a great solution for me!  You choose the class type you want, either by exercise, time or location, and sign up through the app. It’s so outrageously easy, and allows me the flexibility to work out in different parts of town if I’m out & about. You’re not just stuck at one studio.

Another reason I’ve been loving my class pass is because I like to modify my exercise routine regularly, and I’ve also gotten exposed to several new styles of exercise I would never have ever tried otherwise.  I can pick up nearly any type of class, nearly any day of the week!

Have I convinced you to give it a shot yet? Well, just to sweeten the deal, you can get a 2 week free trial by using this link!

Me. Post Class #100. I now understand why people take selfies before working out.

I’d love to hear your feedback! Tried it? Love it? What’s your favorite studio/class? 

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